Monday, 4 July 2011

My Life is back

It's been five months.

Five painstaking long months since I'd last used my Dell Notebook. I miss it to bits. To itsy bitsy tiny bits.

My baby's back. I took it to the repair centre on Saturday and collected it... today.

Shouldn't have procrastinated, now should I? Oh well, I have a feeling I will never learn my lesson when it comes to procrastination.


I missed my Music so much. I couldn't take it loading those music videos on YouTube when I was using my brother's laptop.

First song I listened to: Faithfully by the Glee Cast. Oh oh ohhhh.

Second song: Peace and Hate- The Submarines.

Now playing: Sweet Disposition- The Temper Trap.

God I've missed my songs.

There was something wrong with the operating system so I had the guys reformat Stella. Yes my Notebook has a name. Respect yo'. Damn I don't know what's gotten into me.


I'm still installing and personalizing Stella to make her the perfect notebook she once wasn't but will now be. Wa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Now playing: Hey, Soul Sister- Train. I can't wait to listen to all the songs I haven't had the chance to listen to since my computer. I'm so excited. And you're gonna be part of my rapture.

"I knew when we collided, you're the one I have decided, who's one of my kind"

So you're probably wondering what the hell happened to Stella.

Now Playing: I Want You- Savage Garden

That'll have to wait because I have chores. BYE bitches.

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