Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Oscar Night

Wooohoooo! It wasn't much of a surprise to see Sandra Bullock go up there and claim her award, but it was sure nice to see her get it. :)

Poor ol' James Cameron though. He must be realllyyyy mad. I mean, ten years in the making and just three Oscars? The other six had to go to none other than his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow's low-budget, underrated, and under-grossing movie The Hurt Locker.

Kathryn Bigelow with her two awards for Best Director and Best Picture for The Hurt Locker.

I think the Academy is just out to drown expectations. Lol, it's actually a very interesting theory, why Avatar didn't win. But that'll just have to wait for another post. :)

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