Cursing. I think I've mentioned this before. Click here to see a related post. Or else, read on to see a more interesting post.
Cursing. It has been a convention for people in anger really long ago.
Yes, as I'm sure your less illuminated self (relative to me of course) knows, people curse all the time. A simple thing you say can end up being a curse. For example, a most virtuous saint may miss a step and say "Oh dear me", but that guy has already cursed right there. Curses take different forms depending on the usage of different words at different time. There's no fixed nomenclature. Let's take a look at significant curse words over the years.
Sometime long ago: Gee-willikers, Oh dear, etc etc etc, more lame etcSome people get their panties in a twist when they hear people curse. Exhibit A: Grandmas.
Sometime in the '60s, '70s, and '80s: Shit, Damn, Hell, slightly more interesting than "Gee-willikers"
Now: Fuck, slut, whore, pussy, etc etc, how fun :D

Grandpas not so much, Grandmas twitch at anything uncouth.
It all comes down to this. There's nothing wrong with cursing, goddammit. XD I mean fuck it, if you need to make a damn point, and vent your ruddy frustration on a thing, just fucking do it. Why should what you say be the crux of embarrassment, just because you used a word that is fucking associated with vulgarity?
Cursing is a means to make a point. Case in point:
Notice in the conversation above that the addition of the work "fucking" added emphasis to the fact that Person 1 was retard to begin with and could not understand a simple answer such as "In the sink". So yes this is one of the functions of using curse words: You get to emphasize your point(s).
When you curse ("Oh shit!", "Damn it!", "Fucking hell!", etc) it makes you feel better. People curse to vent their anger in a less physical manner, that is to say, in a verbal manner. Now, they should not have to worry about whether or not their cursing will hurt the others around them because its their fucking mouth 'aint it? If others are so damn sensitive, tell 'em to go live in the North Pole where fairies, elfs, raindeers, and Santa co-exist in harmony.
But did I say cursing is not rude? Cursing is rude, and there are some people that you are just not rude to. Get it, or die; I 'aint elaborating.
It all comes down to this. There's nothing wrong with cursing, goddammit. XD I mean fuck it, if you need to make a damn point, and vent your ruddy frustration on a thing, just fucking do it. Why should what you say be the crux of embarrassment, just because you used a word that is fucking associated with vulgarity?
Cursing is a means to make a point. Case in point:
Person 1: Where's the spoon?
Person 2: In the sink
2 minutes pass
Person 1: Where's the spoon again?
Person 2: In the fucking sink.
Person 1: Oh yeah...
Notice in the conversation above that the addition of the work "fucking" added emphasis to the fact that Person 1 was retard to begin with and could not understand a simple answer such as "In the sink". So yes this is one of the functions of using curse words: You get to emphasize your point(s).
When you curse ("Oh shit!", "Damn it!", "Fucking hell!", etc) it makes you feel better. People curse to vent their anger in a less physical manner, that is to say, in a verbal manner. Now, they should not have to worry about whether or not their cursing will hurt the others around them because its their fucking mouth 'aint it? If others are so damn sensitive, tell 'em to go live in the North Pole where fairies, elfs, raindeers, and Santa co-exist in harmony.
But did I say cursing is not rude? Cursing is rude, and there are some people that you are just not rude to. Get it, or die; I 'aint elaborating.
All-in-all, there is no all-in-all. Die motherfucka. :D
Yes, there was no talk about clits. I just needed something to rhyme with shits.
Alex thinks I'm cheap. :D :D :D
Alex thinks I'm cheap. :D :D :D